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European Digital Rights (EDRi)The EDRi network is a collective of NGOs, experts, advocates and academics working to defend and advance digital rights across the continent.
Resources Archive - European Digital Rights (EDRi)Search How would you best describe that thing you re looking for?
European Digital Rights (EDRi)The EDRi network is a collective of NGOs, experts, advocates and academics working to defend and advance digital rights across the continent.
Victories - European Digital Rights (EDRi)From inception to the 47+ member network of digital rights realities that we have become today, here s a walk through our hall of fame
About us - European Digital Rights (EDRi)EDRi is the biggest European network defending rights and freedoms online. Currently 47 non-governmental organisations are members of EDRi.
What we do - European Digital Rights (EDRi)The EDRi network works tirelessly to defend fundamental rights in the digital age, to advocate for appropriate laws and policies.
Funding - European Digital Rights (EDRi)EDRi relies on foundations grants, individual and corporate donations and membership fees to develop and fulfill its mission.
Board - European Digital Rights (EDRi)EDRi is governed by a Board vested with powers of management and administration by the members’ General Assembly.
Who we are - European Digital Rights (EDRi)The EDRi network is a collective of NGOs, experts, advocates and academics working to defend and advance digital rights across the continent.
Donate to EDRi - European Digital Rights (EDRi)Help us protect human rights and freedoms in the digital age through a simple donation. Together, we can build a people-centered society!
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